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05/01/2025 News
FIA Price Giving Nice
FIA karting awards in Nice. On this beautiful evening, Dries received his trophy for winning the European Championship OKJ. He also finished first in the international kart ranking (IKR) for which he also received a trophy. A very nice end to a fantastic year: European champion OKJ, COTF champion OKJ, winner of the WSK final cup OK and first on the IKR ranking. Let’s see what 2025 brings!
08/09/2024 News
COTF Champion 2024
This weekend took the fifth and last round of the Champions of the Future place in PF International (UK). Even without racing this last round in OKJ, because Dries makes his debut in OK, he wins the OKJ championship!!! His first race in OK was also very good!In qualifying he was 3rd in his group. He had a heat win and was three times second in the heats.In the final he was able to move up...
Europese titel voor Dries Van Langendonck
Dries Van Langendonck is de nieuwe Europese kampioen karting in de OK-Junioren. In het Zweedse Kristianstad had onze landgenoot genoeg aan een vierde plaats na de kwalificatieheats om de titel met overmacht binnen te halen. Het is voor Van Langendonck de kers op de taart, na een waanzinnig seizoen waarin hij heer en meester was! Het Zweedse Kristianstad vorm dit weekend het strijdtoneel voor...SEE ME IN ACTION
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